
Ride Safe: A Tire Tale from Chariots of Fire Customs, LLC

Ah, the aroma of fresh rubber tires—a scent that signals safety and adventure on the open road. Here at Chariots of Fire Customs, LLC, we’re gearing up for the riding season by stocking the best motorcycle tires available.

Tires aren’t just rubber hoops; they’re your bike’s lifeline, ensuring a smooth and secure ride. But as you rack up the miles, those trusty treads undergo wear and tear, influenced by your riding style and road conditions. Some riders effortlessly glide through miles while others wear their tires down faster than a Sunday ride burns through fuel.

When it comes to handling and performance, your motorcycle’s tires set the tone for your journey. Worn-out tires can drastically alter your bike’s feel, increasing the risk of losing control and turning your thrill ride into a white-knuckle ordeal. So, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of tire care—whether you’re a DIY enthusiast or prefer the hands of a seasoned pro.

Pressure Check: Inflate for Success

Don’t play guessing games with tire pressure—it’s a matter of safety. Fluctuations in weather and riding duration can mess with tire pressure, impacting your bike’s performance. Take a moment to gauge both tires’ inflation levels accurately. No, a kick won’t cut it!

Inspect for Embedded Dangers

A quick scan of your tires could mean the difference between a smooth ride and a blowout disaster. Look out for embedded nails, shards of glass, or signs of wear like tread separation or bulging. Don’t gamble with tire safety.

Tread Talk: Where the Rubber Meets the Road

Worn tread spells trouble, signaling the end of your tire’s useful life. Keep an eye out for smooth patches or wear bars—it’s a clear sign your tires are on their last legs. And remember, a penny’s depth can reveal if it’s time to part ways with your trusty treads.

Decode the DOT: Age Matters

Check the DOT number on the sidewall.  The last four digits are the only ones you need to concern yourself with.  How do you decipher these numbers?  For example, 0218 means that the tire was manufactured in the 2nd week of 2018.  Tires older than five years need to be replaced no matter how good they may look.  Reasons: tire deterioration starts from the inside out because of moisture from compressed air and temperature variation. Also, tire rubber gets harder with age and does not have the same traction as when new. This means wet riding is compromised when taking off and stopping power is not as good. Look at the tire tread closely as it will show you whether cracks have begun forming because of aging.

When to Seek the Pros

Tire talk can be tricky, especially with the many compounds out there. When in doubt, trust the experts to guide you. Swing by our shop during March for exclusive deals on tires. Get a grip on safety with 20% off all Dunlop and Metzler tires while stocks last!

Don’t leave your safety to chance—ensure a smooth ride with top-notch tires from Chariots of Fire Customs, LLC. Your adventure awaits!