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Motorcycle Laws and Apathy By Jim Childers

Did you know as motorcycle riders we have been deemed to be different from other motorists? We have been identified to stand out amongst the masses and it has been determined that we shouldreceive “special” treatment not afforded to the majority of others who operate vehicles on public roads. Solely identified and singled out by our two wheels, we have been selected and even targeted to be treated differently than others on the road. I believe that term they have for this is called profiling. Apparently we need to be singled out and swept off public roadways by local, state, and federal government agencies all in the name of protecting us from ourselves? We don’t know what is good for ourselves; we don’t know what kind of protection we need to keep us safe. Continue Reading →

Drag Bike

Got the Drag Bike page up, not much on it yet, but make sure you check back in a couple months when we finish the bike, and throughout the season for race pic’s.

Pan Knuckle Motor

A different breed indeed. I’m not sure when this was printed, or in what. Think I took it off of Max Schaaf’s blog 4Q conditioning. If you click on the pic it will bring it up in larger format so you can read the text. Thought it was interesting, reminds me of Larry’s and Kino’s motor’s. NEAT!

unlucky guy

Not sure were this clip is from, got it off Jeff Decker’s blog, thought I’d share.

The Year In Review by: Reine J. Knobbe

What a wonderful year it has been.  Last year at this time we were planning our fifth year anniversary party.  We updated our website, added facebook, improved our computer system, and have a new e-mail system.  Our motorcycle family continues to grow with new customers coming in even as I type!  We are grateful to all our loyal customers who keep coming back and telling others about us.  Chariots of Fire Customs LLC continues to grow and improve because of our exceptional clientele and faithful volunteers. Continue Reading →

Two New Projects Up!

Just wanted to let everyone know I got two new galleries up on our projects page, so make sure you check ’em out.

Veteran’s Day 2010

Veteran’s Day Parade November 6, 2010

by: Reine J. Knobbe
A very cold morning with only five bikers from our area brave enough to endure the cold ride to downtown St. Louis to support our troops. I understand, 9:30 am on a Saturday is hard enough, but add the below 30 degrees and where is the motivation? This was my first parade in St. Louis. My parents never took me as a kid and I was just never interested in going. Well, today’s Veteran’s Day Parade has changed my mind. It was actually quite fun. Proper riding gear made the cold trip bearable and we were early enough to get front row parking! Thanks to Bob of Citizens for Respect and Honor for asking us to be a starting point. Continue Reading →

New Projects up

Ok I got two new things up on the project’s page. Jim’s/Donna’s “Dawg Slayer” and “No Grey Area”

Special Request

I have teamed up with Kim Biondo of MODOT & we need blue jean, kevalar, and leather jackets, pants, chaps or vests that have been through a motorcycle accident.  We are using these materials for a Safety Awareness campaign for high school students.  Please bring items into Chariots of Fire and give to Reine.  Let us know if you want items back or not.  Our first program will be in January.

-Thanks in advance,