
Appreciation by: Reine Knobbe

Here is a list of fifteen reasons why you like Chariots of Fire Customs LLC.  These are in random order.  When you have read through them all, please go to our Facebook page and let us know what your number one reason is: Facebook.


  1. We have a customer lounge.


  1. You can’t buy your way to the front of the line for service or pull strings (just ask Jan’s son-in-law).


  1. We give back to the community.


  1. We have a friendly face behind the counter and I’m not talking about the one with a beard.


  1. We have extraordinary specials on tires in March and April. Hint Hint click for details.


  1. We are honest.


  1. We trailer bikes in for service for free November – March.


  1. Hugs from Reine.


  1. We go the extra mile. For example, Jan rebuilt a carburetor on the side of the highway for a fellow biker heading to Sturgis.


  1. We take phone calls after hours.


  1. Jan does not let a bike leave the shop unless it is right.


  1. We have competitive pricing on parts.


  1. Our logo is really cool.


  1. We picked out a very smooth Jack Daniels Single Barrel select. To find out how the process works tap here.


  1. We love and appreciate YOU!

Come visit us on March 21st to see just how much you are appreciated.  We will have live music from noon – 3pm Mike and Jeff Acoustic Rock Show, snacks and swag.  Our newly designed tenth anniversary t-shirts will be out by then.  To view more events for our tenth anniversary year, check out our calendar.