
Look How Far We’ve Come


Shop Front 003By: Reine Knobbe

As our tenth anniversary celebration is fast approaching, I can’t help but think about how far we’ve come. We started out with 1,200 square feet with two motorcycle racks. Both Jan and I held down full time jobs and worked in the shop in the evenings. I often helped customers and did paperwork while Jan answered technical questions, ordered parts and did repairs. We had an employee answer phones until we arrived (no mechanic during the day the first year or so).

We soon moved to 2,400 square feet with four motorcycle racks. We hired an additional mechanic to boot.  By the time we were able to expand to 3,600 square feet with two motorcycle racks, Jan was working full time at Chariots. Our son Jake worked with us from the ages of 16 to 23.  Two years ago we were able to move up to 9,500 square feet with seven motorcycle racks. We already feel like we could use more space!

We have learned many things over the years. I have learned that any mistakes made within our computer programs can be fixed.  Don’t panic!  (and boy did I panic the first couple of years). I also learned how to delegate.  Jan’s input “Customers are always right….usually”.  On a more serious note, never trust your vendors when they say the part is on the way.  It is very important to Jan to give great service and not being able to move work through the shop in a timely manner because he is waiting on parts is his biggest headache.

While you can see we have physically changed in size and location, we have stayed true to our beliefs:  provide quality service and products with integrity and honesty.  Success will follow.

We thank all of our customers for believing in us and making us the success that is Chariots of Fire Customs, LLC.