One of my mantra’s that I say is “I easily flow with change, my life is divinely guided, therefore I am always going in the right direction”. It has served me well. As many of us seasoned riders know, the road ahead is not always clear. Challenges are always popping up whether it is debris on the road or an unexpected life altering event. It may seem like a good idea to stay on a steady course, ride the familiar roads as we have a pretty clear idea of what is up ahead. However, where is the adventure in life if we don’t make changes along the way? Try a new road, the results could be a beautiful stand of dogwoods in bloom or a better paying job. Continue Reading →
Ready for Spring by: Jan Knobbe
We all know the old saying “March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb”. Well those of us on the Chariots of Fire racing team cannot wait for the lamb. Spring can’t come soon enough. It is kinda opposite what is happening with the race team, instead of old man winter leaving, young Jake has moved on with his adventure in Denver while older man (relatively speaking) Shayne is coming into the fold as our new driver. Continue Reading →
Moving On by: Jake Knobbe
Maybe moving on is not such a great title. More like moving forward. I am here to announce to all of you the I will be moving the last week of February to Denver, Colorado. Continue Reading →
Reflections by: Jim Childers
As I begin my 4th year with Chariots of Fire Customs LLC I have taken the opportunity to look back at the changes that have happened to me and the shop:
- No Grey Area was the first ground up build I was involved in with at the shop. For me this was a new way of thinking. No engineering drawing just a napkin and an idea. That changed the way that I thought about doing what seemed like normal things like how to operate a clutch or use the brakes. Continue Reading →
What’s Under Your Tree?
Chariots of Fire Customs LLC is ready to assist you on finding the “just right” gift for the motorcycle enthusiast in your life. We have several different deals going on to make shopping not so bad on your wallet. Let’s start with 15% to 25% off most in stock merchandise all month long. Okay, I’m feeling generous. Continue Reading →
Winter is Upon us! By: Jan Knobbe
Just as our current special states, if you can see your breath, it’s time to come see us. There is a reason why our November special is a 29 point check. As cold weather sets in, it is important to go over your ride and put your baby away warm and cozy. The 29 point check includes: making sure tires are aired up properly; tank full and with stabilizer in it; battery tender hooked up; etc. etc. etc. 29 items! Continue Reading →
Come Party With Us At Our Grand Opening October 27th!
Our new location has been open since September 25th and we have been very pleased with all the positive reactions! If you have not yet had a chance to check out the new shop at 216 N. Lincoln Drive, Troy, MO, now is your chance. Events for that day are as follows:
- 11:30am Ribbon Cutting with the Mayor
- Noon – 3pm Calendar Girls here for photo opp and signing Mile 277 calendars
- 1pm-5pm Last Dirt Road band playing Continue Reading →
Many Blessings by: Biker Bunny
There are angels everywhere. They come in all shapes and sizes. They come with words of encouragement and support. They come with ideas and individual creativity. They come as volunteers with no questions asked and without looking for anything in return. Chariots of Fire Customs LLC has experienced a flock of angels in the past eight weeks as we took a leap of faith in expanding our business. Sure, we have had the desire to expand (again) for quite a while. But this expansion came at us so quickly in the middle of our busy season my head is still reeling from it all! Continue Reading →
New Location Opening September 25 by: Biker Bunny
As we wrote last month, “Pack your saddlebags, we’re moving!” Renovations at 216 North Lincoln Drive in Troy Missouri are coming along very well. We feel confident in setting a firm date of opening up at our new location on September 25. We will be closed Friday and Saturday September 21 and 22nd so that we have a full four days to move the shop. Business is going on as usual at our current location and we are looking forward to a smooth transition.
When I asked Jake what he was looking forward to he said in his typical short and to the point responses “Room”. When pressed to expand on his thought, Continue Reading →
Pack Your Saddlebags, We’re Moving!
Since opening our doors at 141 Moscow Springs Plaza back in 2005, many of you know we have expanded twice. That time has come again. And although our neighbors in Moscow Mills have been good to us, we have again out-grown our current location.
You’ll be happy to know though that our new location is only 4 miles away. We’ll be taking over the old Ford dealership off North Lincoln Drive in Troy, Missouri. Our new address will be 216 North Lincoln Drive, Troy, MO 63379. Please help us spread the word to everyone you know!
We’ll be announcing our official open date Continue Reading →